Showing 1–16 of 23 results

A Century of Golf on the Goldfields


From the formation in 1899 to 1999, gives many extracts from the Castlemaine Mail, lists of winners of various trophies, championships, life members, office bearers and the financial members for 1999.

A Rich Tapestry: John Turville and his Australian Descendants


The book concentrates on John Turville of Melton Mowbray amd his Australian descendants. He arrived in Adelaide at the end of 1854, marrying in Castlemaine in 1856 and living at the Moonlight Flat diggings.. Other cousins migrated in the 1800’s and they formed other branches in Victoria and NSW.

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A Successful Failure


“A Successful Failure” tells of the Aboriginal Protectorate System in Colonial Victoria during the period 1883 to 1952. The system was designed to be a buffer between the original inhabitants and the influx of white squatters.

As if it were Yesterday


More than a book of memories, this collection of moments by 33 resident members of U3A Castlemaine is a valuable social history of the last 70 years. These stories left out of official accounts of segments of history, remembered as if they were yesterday.

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Camerons of Clunes


But for the existence of a little old chest, full of faded family letters and papers, it is unlikely that this story would not have been written. The characters in it are men and women long dead, it is true, but more interesting surely than the cardboard figures of fiction, and, if the ambition of the authors be realized, brought to life in an atmosphere of the history book proper, for there is nothing cut and dried, or dry as dust about these old letters. They are as natural and vivid as the day they were penned, and shimmer still with the silvery sand used to dry their ink – ink faded now to the colour of last year’s leaves.

Castlemaine Cemetery – A Walk with Glimpses of the Past


Cemeteries, are considered by some as morbid places, while others consider them fascinating. They reveal tangible and readily accessible glimpses into the past. Goldfield cemeteries are no exception to this. They are one of the few remaining links to the turbulent and exciting times when thousands rushed to Victoria and the Mount Alexander Goldfields to make their fortune. They are also one of the few places where rich and poor from all stratas of society are found together. Cemeteries provide valuable information about our past and to some extent the society from which those memorialized have come.

Castlemaine Petitions


The two 1850’s petitions made by the people of Mount Alexander to the Governor of Victoria, reproduced on the following pages are interesting sources of names for those tracing their family history in the Castlemaine district. They also form a fascinating aspect of Australian goldfield history.

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Castlemaine Primary School No 119 – 150 Years


Castlemaine Primary School No 119 – 150 Years, 1855 – 2005. The reaching of the 150th anniversary of a school indicates a massive journey full of many riches, sadness, diversions of interest, an extensive range of talented people (both students and teachers) and many an anecdote to trigger a fond memory or a belly aching laugh.

From Antarctica to the Gold Rush – in the wake of the Erebus


Commander Alexander Smith RN, served his country with fearless resolution for 17 years on the quarterdeck, encountering many adventures on the high seas – an intrepid voyager in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Under the command of Captain James Clark Ross, he became a heroic polar explorer in the north Atlantic and was chosen for the epic 1839-1843 British Antarctic Expedition aboard the Erebus in the pivotal rank of First Mate.

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Guildford – some early history. The township of Guildford, Victoria is situated on the banks of the Loddon River, on the Midland Highway, 12 kilometres from the City of Castlemaine, in a southerly direction , and 25 kilometres north from the town of Daylesford. It is surrounded by low hills, and is delightfully situated. Editor M C Rilen 1970 edition. R A Bradfield 1988 edition

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Maldon – A New History 1853 – 1928


The narrative themes brought together in this history of Maldon are based on research conducted by the author for an MA thesis completed in 1997. The original subject matter has been broadened and the theme reworked with a view to providing a general introduction to Maldon’s social and economic history. Further research has since been undertaken, so that ideas pursued for the original thesis sometimes differ in detail, emphasis or even interpretation in the present account.

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Records of the Castlemaine Pioneers


Every chapter in this book is a true and colourful picture of the uproarious days when Australia was like a great golden magnet. It consists of the recollections of pioneers on the central goldfields of Victoria, assembled from the 1880s onwards.