CHSI collections comprises an eclectic compilation from a diverse range of sources.
CHSI Research Files – Family, local histories and primary material collected for exhibitions – 1990 to current.
Private Collections
Addis, Ivan
Bailie, David
Beare, Gwenda
Beard, David and Annette
Blume, Malcolm
Bradfield, Raymond
Cappy, Felix
Comerford, Tom
Edwards, Mary
Gaulton family
Grant, Don
Goulding, Janice
Growcott, Leslie George
Griffith, Hilary
Harvey, Marion
Healy, Pat
Hockley, Alleyne and Ian
Hodgson, W J A
Hosking, Chris
James, Barbara, Hedley
Lister, Jeanie
Mack, Dick
Marmion, Bob
McDougall, Cora
Metcalfe, Lyle and Janette
Moon, Rachael
Myers, Pauline
Odgers, Rex and Julie
Padreny, Elise
Poidevin, Brian
Priest, Barry
Rilen, Marjorie
Thomas Louis Alfred
Vellacoat, Helen
Verlin, John Stanley (Jack)
Whitlock, Julie